About the Program
Business Philanthropy is a generative-income business operations model. It focuses on helping entrepreneurs and philanthropists identify, plan, develop, and implement revenue-generating solutions. It is a bridge that closes the gap that exists in securing investment funding and attaining long-term profitability in any socially beneficial enterprise or business venture.
Dr. Shinshuri developed this philanthropic business model to align with new corporate tax structures, which include the Benefit Corporation, Flexible Purpose Corporation, and Low-profit Limited Liability(L3C) Corporation. These new tax structures are for-profit, social enterprise ventures that have a stated goal of performing a socially beneficial purpose while receiving a financial return.
The Benefit Corporation is the most widely accepted in the United States.
The L3C is gaining momentum across the United States. Legislation has passed in several states and Indian reservations including: Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming, and federal jurisdiction of Crow Indian Nation of Montana and the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
The Flexible Purpose corporation is the most rare of each type and it is currently only recognized in the State of California. SHINSHURI Foundation is a flexible purpose corporation.
- BP Overview
- BP Leadership
- BP Leadership Coach