Complete each of the following to prepare for this week’s session.
- Read through steps 1-3 below
- Listen to the A Letter to Mom audio clip
- Access or purchase the learning materials for this weekly session
- Complete each of the assignments throughout Week 2
What does it mean to surrender? Do you know? Think about this word for a moment. Then, write down your first thought. Do not do anything else. Do not think about anything else. Simply write down your first thought in your journal.
To surrender means to:
- To relinquish possession or control
- To give up or give back
- To abandon
- To give over or resign (oneself to) something, as to an emotion
You may have even heard any one of the following expressions or phrases:
- To let go
- To get rid of something
All of these expressions are the same. There may be some cognitive dissonance emerging in you as you read through this message. Make no mistake about this. Surrendering is letting go of something that does not serve you anymore, whatever that might be. In this step, letting go refers to you giving up the repetitive, debilitating thought patterns initiated through ego conscious awareness.
Until you are able to let go of your own negative thought patterns. In other words, we you can relinquish those thought patterns that inhibit, stovepipe, limit, distort the truth of who you are. It leads to miscreation through projection, which is a false reality created in your mind. The truth of everything is revealed if you pay attention and allow your true essence to lead and guide you and not your ego. Listen to the A Letter to Mom audio clip to experience an authentic example of how to let go of your ego.
A Letter to Mom
Now that you have listened to the audio clip, record how you feel in your journal. Pay attention to what you perceive and feel throughout this experience.
Learning Materials
You will need the following items for this session.
- Journal
- Current or past life experience(s)
- Water
- Super Conscious Model for Living (book)
- Expressions of Unconditional Love (book)
- Surrendering Meditation (music)
- Music to Awaken Super Consciousness (optional)
Complete the following activities as you engage and participate in the community with others. Share your experiences in the community forum.
- Post your personal response to the following questions in the discussion forum (Are you ready for your personal make over? What is the greatest challenge you will ever face? What is the purpose of the body,mind, soul, and spirit? What part of you is real? What are some of your personal attachments and ave you ever noticed them? Do you live in your head? Do your thoughts control everything you say and do?)
- Respond to other members comments and posts in the discussion forum
- Complete the Surrender That Which Does Not Serve You Anymore Activity each day throughout the week
Discussion Forum: Personal Leadership Forum
Practice: Surrender That Which Does Not Serve You Anymore Activity