OracleTV is an online television network designed to educate, inspire, and inform viewers to live their true life’s purpose. The show discusses many social, political, religious, spiritual, metaphysical, and scientific topics that are of interest and important to our viewers and listeners. Tune in to explore indigenous cultures, ancient civilizations, ecology, technology, personal transformation, leadership development, entrepreneurship, personal growth, consciousness, sociology, psychology, and philosophy. Viewers can be apart of our dynamic and creative events and appear on the show. Open yourself up to a whole new realm of creative potential. The platform also serves as a learning platform for students who are enrolled in one or more academic programs at Oracles of Truth Academy.
Republished: (01/16/2011) July 31, 2010 at 1:00PM PST | Author: Shinshuri | In Oracle Facts Sacramento, CA. 07/31/2010 – Oracles of Truth (OT) Academy launched a unique online television show [...]